Lepido is resilient against pollutants such as sawdust, soot, residual lacquer and particles and is suitable for diverse applications as it seamlessly integrates into a Run-Around-Circuit, overcoming the Coanda effect. Lepido ensures optimal efficiency and is designed to withstand high temperatures and pressures.

The recovered heat can be used to heat replacement air or returned to the process itself by preheating liquid/air. For example, the recovered heat from the exhaust air from drying kilns in the wood industry can be used to preheat incoming air, reducing the energy required to maintain kiln temperatures. Similarly, the waste heat from the drying sections of paper machines, ventilation systems, and boiler exhausts in the paper industry can be recovered by Lepido as the system can handle high humidity and particulate matter, recovering heat that can be used to preheat process water, air for drying sections, or for space heating within the facility. Furthermore, the Lepido can be integrated into the exhaust systems of recovery boilers and lime kilns in the pulp industry. The system can recover high-temperature heat, which can be used to generate steam or hot water for the pulping process, improving overall energy efficiency. Other use cases for reusing the recovered heat, such as, from boilers and waste incinerators can be used to preheat combustion air, feedwater for boilers, or for other thermal processes within the plant. Lepido's innovative design facilitates easy cleaning and no downtime.